How to Hear Yourself Through Headphones?

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Having headphones on and listening to music with anything else disturbing you is the best thing that headphones can do! I am definitely one of those people that once I want to use my headphones I don’t to listen any surrounding sound based on the environment that I may be in.

However, in some people’s minds stands something else, and there are times that many of you want to hear yourselves through headphones, or more exactly said need to listen to yourself through headphones.

That’s why I am writing this article and you are reading it! Basically, you guys are searching for methods or ways that can help you to hear yourself through headphones on different devices. Throughout the article, I will be mentioning computers, phones, and some other devices that you may already own.

When I say to hear yourself, it may sound a bit strange, but you guys should consider that there are a few reasons that are the most common ones that people want to hear themselves while talking. Anyways, now, without losing your time further ado, let us get this article started!

Who Wants to Hear Themselves Through Headphones and Why?

As I mentioned above, there are different reasons that people may want to hear themselves talk, and those people that want to hear themselves mostly are gamers, singers, and business people. 

Many gamers have lost just because they weren’t heard by other teammates while playing online, and it has caused anger and irritation in both ways. 

When I say business people, I am more concentrated on people who work through online conferences, so they may want to hear themselves all for business purposes. 

Other people that I mentioned were the singers! We all know that singers want to know and hear how they sound. This way they can have a clearer idea of how their song will go through to the end, and they will already know how that will come to the audience. 

How to Hear Yourself Through Headphones?

Now that we are at the most important part of this article, I would like to mention to you guys how you can hear yourselves through headphones on different devices. Let’s see!


  • Go to Settings
  • Tap on Control Centre
  • Choose Customize Controls
  • At the Hearing Button, You Will See a Green Sign
  • Click on that Green Option
  • Go Back

This way you are more than ready to listen to yourselves through your headphones while using iOS devices.


I am pretty sure that Windows devices are the most commonly used ones, especially when it comes to computers and laptops. If you are one of those people that own a Windows device, you should follow these steps:

  • Tap Windows and + R (Opens the Dialog Bar)
  • Write rundll32.exe, shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL, mmsys.cpl on the Dialog Bar
  • Go to Properties of Mic Options
  • Go to Listen to this Device Option

The procedure in Windows is a little bit complicated when it comes to the Dialog Bar, but if you type correctly the things that I mentioned, the process is going to go quite normal and simple. 


Now, Android is also one of the most used systems worldwide, and I would also like to share an important way how you can hear yourself through headphones if you are an Android user. The steps are a bit different while having an app in mind, which is Smule.

You can easily download Smule on your phone or wherever, as it is a karaoke application that allows you to listen to yourself in the best way possible as it can also be used to tell you the way how you sound in different things.


Without leaving the gamers aside, especially those that use PlayStations of any kind, if you want to hear yourselves while talking, you guys should go like this:

  • Open the Settings on Your PlayStation
  • Go to Audio Devices
  • Go to the Option Headset/Headphone Connected
  • Tap on Controller from Input/Output
  • Click on Chat Audio

You are ready to hear yourself in the way that your teammates may hear you while playing your favorite games. 

Important Thing to Know: Audacity and Mic Monitoring

Using Applications

As I mentioned above, on Android devices using Smule, you guys can also use another application which is called Audacity. It is an open-source digital audio editor and also a recording application software. However, it is important to mention that Audacity isn’t available on all platforms that you may be using, as it works only with Windows, macOS, and Linux.

You can download Audacity whenever you want because it comes fully free. 

Mic Monitoring

Mic Monitoring is one of the greatest features that you can find, and it is one of the biggest helpers when you want to listen to your voice super clearly. It is definitely a feature for the gamers and people that work through online meetings since they have the most common problems with connectivity and as I mentioned above, they definitely want to know how they sound. However, it is not a fact that other people cannot use it! You can also use mic monitoring if you are a singer.

Mic monitoring can be simply done by just using your microphone’s input on the headphones that you are using, and you are more than free to listen to yourself talking and singing as well.

Final Words, Conclusion

As we came to the end of this article, let me say that this article isn’t too easy to be written, but having in mind my own experiences I tried to be as clear for you guys so that you can finish your job way easier, and hear yourself through your headphones.

As mentioned, for some people it is an important thing to know how they sound, meanwhile, for some others, it is not essential as they want to do it just for fun. Either of the ways, you are able to listen to yourself through headphones considering the ways that I mentioned!

Have fun!

Further Reading

In this section, I’m about to give you other assignments. Just knowing what to do while listening to music with headphones here is the perfect occasion. If you’re suspicious about hearing loss because of headphones, read the article to find out more.

Do your eyes get tired of reading, then audiobooks are your only chance, this is why you should check out our headphones for listening to audiobooks article. 

The most common problem with Aftershokz headphones is pairing with other devices, read the article for easy pairing.

Whether you’re looking for information on audio equipment, looking to learn more about how things work in the music field, or looking for reviews of products, we got you covered!



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